Friday, October 11, 2013


Naija music is everyday heading to the top as more up coming artist, with losts of talents, keep coming up with good works. CORENEL, Whose real names are IGWEONU CHIZUE CORNELLY, born on 31st july 1992 is an upcoming Nigerian hip-hop, singer and a song writer, developed love for music at a tender age, and has since kept the fire burning, hardworking and creative, in doing justice to any beats, he hears, he is a young talented entertainer from the east side of Nigeria, Enugu State, he is working to make his name a household name in the Nigerian Music Industry. For more details follow him on twitter @sircorenel, add him bb pin 22BEA212 and facebook @corenel baba. Listen to his latest singles below as he promises, to come up with more unique sounds. Pledge your support.....

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